Monday, August 4, 2008

in case i forget who i am to other people...

from my bestfriend since Grade Two: Miki.
My absolute favorite person in the world, my "kindred spirit".

We met over piko. And it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. No, not really. We kept fighting in 3rd grade; yeah, we were friends, but she could be so bitchy sometimes. She's like that. No, not bitchy, but... true. If she wants to be bitchy, she'll be bitchy - there is nothing fake about her. But underneath all that bitchiness (and I mean that in a good way :p), is a heart full of love. No, I'm not going to start being cheesy; for your information, that was what made Harry Potter great. Abbi is one of the bravest people I know. And her love has made her a fighter - she'll fight for her friends, for her family, for her principles and beliefs. We have our very own Harry Potter in Abbi Luz. And being the book geeks that we are, that's one of the highest compliments I can think of. So thanks, Abbi... for being an inspiration, for being a wonderful piko-mate, and for being the best best friend there is.

From Wen, my SOSS Sec-Treas and my second-in-command: what a helluva year!

A panacea for all social related diseases, Abbi is an all-around great friend! Boredom, discomfort, embarrassment, shyness, and annoyance to name a few; Abbi will always be to the rescue with her never-ending idea on what to do and where to go to. She’s simply a factory of gimmick invites to her friends, who are really bored and stressed out with their lives!

But what is interesting about this little lady is the fact that she has been in the Sanggunian since first year. Yes, she is really that committed in serving the entire Ateneo community. Imagine, four years of sacrificing your academics, social life, and your OWN MONEY just to be able to provide positive changes in the Loyola Schools… no wonder she’ll definitely be remembered as the woman who spent her entire life in the student council. But Abbi didn’t have any regret in this, because after all, she found her true friends [and love life… hahaha] in that place!

From Kit, my former blockmate and one of the most impressive girls I know (and there are a lot!).

If you think about people our age who are accomplished and damn near perfect, Kit springs to mind.Don't be fooled by abbi's charming smile, and petite figure. Abbi Luz is probably one of the most popular girls in school for she has the face that launched a thousand votes from her batchmates. Yes, she has held several sanggu positions and is currently the secgen of the batch. Many would say abbi is a born-leader. With her impressive public speaking skills and strong charisma, this girl will definitely enter politics by storm.

From Archie, my long talks/relationships go-to guy. The one who comes up with the deep shit and the most grounded guy.

Basing your relationship with this girl on first impressions would not probably be a good idea. She might strike you as being coƱio and maarte because of the way she talks. She might even seem a little bit aloof because of the way she carries herself: she’s easy-going and always smiling.

These first impressions cannot hope to encompass the entirety of Abbi Luz’s person. These superficial assumptions are nowhere near the mark. The real Abbi fights for what she believes is right. She loves with every fiber of her being. She is a great friend who can always be counted to do just about anything to make you smile. It would take an eternity to get to know Abbi but that eternity would be time well spent.

From Carlos, my guy best friend, replacement boyfriend and flirtee. Haha! Seriously, the guy I love above all other guy friends.

There are people you meet, and there are people you meet. And I believe everyone who has had the pleasure of getting to know Abbi would agree that she’s in the latter category. She’s the kind that keeps surprising you with her thoughts, words and actions – the kind that continually redefines your impression of her. She’s so much more than the wholesome (ahem) yet fun image she projects. Of sharp mind and sharp wit, she’s driven with a deep desire to succeed. At the same time, she’s gifted with inner strength and an uncompromising sense of what is right. But perhaps the one thing most attractive about her is that she has soul. A very passionate person, she is a poet by essence if not by words.

From Love, my relationship advisor and really close energetic buddy.

Abbi exemplifies bubbly personality. She is generous with her compliments and never stringent on her smiles. She has an infectious laugh that no one can resist. She loves telling stories but she also loves hearing yours, it’s no wonder she has many friends, scores!

A paradoxical lady: she is someone laid-back yet serious and someone who wanders yet focused on a destination. She is anything but boring. Plus, multitudes of crushes to always keep you guessing!She loves truly, she loves deep; she is the girlfriend that is for keeps.

April and Merwyn
Truly one of the most responsible people in the batch, Abbi stands out by being outspoken and socially involved in a lot of things. Indeed she has a lot of things going on for her, given the impressive list of extra curricular activities that she manages to squeeze in between her academics. Abbi really is a born leader, a good friend, a smart lass and so much more.- april

abbi is an exuberant young lady that can be anybody's homey coz of her bubbly personality -merwyn

From Joy, my 7-11 and heart-to-heart buddy.

You don’t need to go to heaven to see angels because Abbi Luz has lots of friends who look like one. Kidding aside, Abbi has a lot of friends that almost every Atenean knows her. If someone asks a person who is Abbi Luz and he answers I don’t know then that person must be flayed alive. Haha! Everybody knows Gabriela Ma. Ines Luz but not everybody knows who the real Abbi Luz is. Abs has lots of the things that most people do not have. She has the GUTS to do things that most people never dreamt of doing. She is always on the go and hyper which makes her the life of the party. Abbi is the person who has that extraordinary power to make people listen to her. She knows when and how to talk. She never ceases to make her point in everything. People just stop, stare and listen to her, with their mouths wide open in awe. She has that absolute confidence to express herself. Abs has this wit that nobody can level up to. Abbi is a friend who will care for you and help you in times of trouble and never let you down for any reason. She will surely lend an ear and extend a hand whenever you feel like bursting into tears. Abbi never fails to rise up to the occasion. She is truly a versatile lady—talented, opinionated and go-getter individual. She is indeed superb in every way.

From Howard, my gift-giving buddy.

Abbi walks in, smiling and greeting everyone. After a long, bad, unlucky day, this is the last thing you're going to need. Then again, you manage to crack a smile and wave back. She's irresistibly comforting. You pre-empt her words, it’s usually one of two things: have you seen this person or the room smells funny. Again, you tell yourself this is the last thing you’re going to need and yet you’re itching to talk to her knowing that somehow, in her own Abbi way, she’s going to make you feel okay. So you do talk to her and then, magic – she just did it again.

From Alfred, my first college bestfriend and the guy I would chase after (if he were only straight).

Who doesn’t want rock hard ABS? Coz if you got Abs, everyone will envy you and you’ll surely make them want Abs of their own. Nope! I’m not talking about the abs that requires infinite crunches and gallons of sweat but rather I’m talking about the Abs who is the queen of talk. She’ll get you hooked once she starts talking (though you’d have to be real good in English and have an extensive vocabulary to understand). She’s the friend that knows what to say to make you feel real good about yourself. She’s the student council chick that gives substance, wit, humor, and class a perfect mix. As much as she loves the beach, people love and adore her for looking chic, being smart,having spunk, and loving her friends as if they’re her siblings. If I’d have only two more words left to say to this astonishing lady, I’d stand up and scream, YOU ROCK!

- disclaimer: for graduating students, we have this yearbook, where we have to have write-ups along with our grad photos. i wrote a lot but i couldn't write one for myself. so i asked close friends to write some for me. this is me, in their nutshell, i guess.
it's not my ego speaking.

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