Monday, August 4, 2008

for other people

Written for Eli
eliza enriquez is the kind of person that in the face of danger, earthquakes, really hard homework, scary professors, car accidents, food poisoning and other really unlucky circumstances will look at you and say......

"okay lang"

no one is as serene as eli, as unflappable as eli, as unperturable as eli. no one is as cool, calm and collected as this girl. but it isn't just the fact that nothing fazes her that makes her so popular with people. there's also the fact that she's the girl who will laugh at everything with you, make you forget even for a while that you've got this huge presentation for this killer prof or that your life is currently crappy. there's also the fact that she's the kind of girl guys fight over because she's too damn cool to let slip past their fingers. There's the fact that being around her is like a really cool, drunken party where everything seems infinitely funnier, but it's about ten times better because we're all stone cold sober and every moment with her is worth remembering. there's the fact that even in the midst of all that work stress, she looks perfectly calm as she collects another A or B+. there's the fact that she'll tease you about everything and nothing, and you just have to laugh at yourself for falling for it.

so when someone asks you, how was knowing eli? you can't say "okay lang". it's more like a really loud "si eli??? grabe yun!!!! the best talaga!!!! sobrang fun niya!!! talino pa!!! at sexy!!!!" when it comes to eli, you can't just respond coolly and calmly. since she made life ten times better, we have to be ten times more exuberant about how much WE LOVE ELI ENRIQUEZ!!!

Written for Kit
usually, when you hear the word "kit", you think something compact, short and tiny, abbreviated and convenient. but somehow when this particular "kit" comes to mind, it's nothing short or tiny. it's big and ambitious, oc and professional, at the top of their game and always on the go, all wrapped in this really gorgeous, enviably beautiful package. that's our "kit" bernardino.

Written for Joy
When God was making everyone answer the question “is the glass half empty or half full?” joy trino stood up on her tiptoes and yelled “HALF-FUUUUUUULLLLLL, JESUS CHRIST!!!!!”

There are people who are the very epitome of their names and Joy is no exception. Joy bursts into a room, all bubbly and excited about life. Joy is the person you love to tease because nothing gets her down (and then you wanna tease her some more coz she’s so funny when she’s defensive). Joy is funny and hilarious but always several seconds behind Alfred, Tantan and Co. that she always ends up extending the joke until we can’t laugh harder than this. Joy is the girl who you can sit down and have the best girly chats about everything because she knows EXACTLY how you feel. Joy is compassionate to the point of being always there for you, ready to shed a tear before you do coz her heart is bigger than everyone else combined. She’s not above oohing and aahing over good-looking boys but with standards high enough that she’s just too smart to be overlooked.

The way people see it, God must have been having the time of His life when he was creating Joy. And we were in the best moods when we got to know Joy.

Written for Kai
Maria Karina sounds like the name for a princess and she looks just like one. She has long shiny black hair and deep brown eyes, with thick long lashes that curl at the ends, and to top it all off, she has smooth white skin. She could play snow white in real life……

until she opens her mouth. Then you realize that though she may look like a princess or a delicate flower, she’s anything but that. She’s the girl you run to when you need a dose of girl power, or to whine about how life is unfair, because she’ll give you the best kind of therapy, a big thump on the back and a “kaya mo yan!”. She’s the girl who’s a barrel of laughs but at the same time, the person you want there when you go through the downsides of life. She walks through life looking like everything and everyone she meets has something funny and upbeat to look forward to, but when it all comes down to it, she’s serious about the things that matter, like being one of the best in her economics course or being the vice-president of the lifeblood of AEA, human resources.

What we won’t forget about Kai Kapunan is the fact that she is mix of oxymoron and contradictions. No one should have a life that looks like that much fun and still be serious enough to be smart. No one should be that pretty and still be comfortable enough to be one of the guys. No one should be that witty and funny, but that kind. No one should be that mix of qualities that girls want to be, to be that kind of person that literally everyone wants to be with, but still down-to-earth enough to relate to the regular people.

But who else can pull off being comfortably imperfectly perfect than Kai? Because when it all comes down to the downsides of life, that’s the person we’d much rather have by our sides to, to thump us on the back and tell us to quit dragging our feet, and get on with life because kaya natin to.

Written for Karl
karl satinitigan, a personality as confusing and puzzling as his last name. at first glance, he looks like a little kid, shuffling around in his slogan Pinoy shirt of the day and shorts. Then at second glance, a fascinating speaker/orator/President, with the ability to make his listeners forget everything but him, even while he punctuates his sentences with "blah di blahs" and the odd hand gestures. At third glance, a student of development and marketing, keeping a lookout for the oddball idea and the out-of-the-box project, always providing the one thing that'll skew your perspective and blow your mind to pieces.
At the fourth glance,
a PoMo poet,
a modern blogger
of thoughts, emotions and ideas
in quirky disjointed lines.
At fifth glance, a thespian, artist, chameleon, transforming himself to someone as compelling as a prince or as endearing as a dork (except he already is one). At sixth, but never the last glance, an Evil Twin, with a hundred different orgs and a hundred different interests. Confusing and hard to spell, but still purely distinctive karl.

Written for Alfred
let me put a disclaimer that the following write-up is not about the best person in the world. he's not a saint, not a hero, not even a boy scout. So don’t feel like this is a biased, judgmental write-up that favors him too much. but it doesn’t really matter if you feel that way because he is a star, a celebrity, the person you double-take another looooong look to make sure it really is alfred pagsibigan that passed by. what his friends love in the long list about him… not to make YOU feel bad about your less than interesting life but let’s enumerate. Maybe it’s the dimple that’s so deep, it’s contagious. Or the intellect that makes him one of the top students of our economics batch and gives him a future as bright and cool as his sense of style. Maybe it’s the ever-changing haircut, depending on the season and the mood of Alfred. Maybe it’s the wit that’s sharp and occasionally directed at you… but just to hear your name on his lips is like a star giving you his autograph. Maybe it’s the hordes of people around ateneo that just seem to know that Alfred Pagsibigan. Or maybe, it’s just simply coz this is Alfred, the guy that’s the life of the party when the party is life.

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