Sunday, August 24, 2008

naked cyclists butt heads with Canadian police

VANCOUVER, British Columbia - Naked cyclists converged on Vancouver's main police station Saturday after a man was arrested with his 3-year-old son during a nude ride earlier in the day.

Naked Bike Ride spokesman Conrad Schmidt said six squad cars and a paddy wagon showed up as the group of about 75 naked cyclists arrived at the station.

Vancouver Police Constable Jana McGuinness told The Canadian Press that several people called police, concerned about the child's well-being. Police arrived and got the man to agree that he and his child would wear underwear during the ride.

But as he left to join his fellow naked cyclists, the man stripped and took off his son's clothes. Police then charged him with violating public nudity laws.

Schmidt said the toddler was in tears as police took father and son away. The arrest prompted the group to cycle through downtown Vancouver to the police station.

Not all the cyclists supported the protest.

"The leaders of this event do not support what the guy did," once cyclist who declined to give her name told The Canadian Press. "I think that's wrong. The kid's a minor."

McGuinness said it appeared the man later regretted his actions.

"When they were leaving (the scene) it was under the understanding that perhaps he hadn't shown the best judgment; there were a number of people that took offense to the child being naked in the group and subjected to people's scrutiny," she said.

"It sounds like it's been a good lesson all around."


the question is why??? why do you have to cycle naked? if you're a girl, it's just unhygienic and slightly painful. if you're a boy, your balls would be the opposite of supersized.

not to mention naked with your child.


1 comment:

Island Guy said...

This post failed to even achieve a smirk from me, that is until I reached your ever perspicacious thoughts. I salute you!