it's 2009
and people say you should start out with resolutions.
i never really keep em.
but i've had a great year in 2008.
just living life.
so i might as well keep the winning streak.
things were good. not all good. but pretty damn good.
i graduated. whoop-de-doo.
fell madly, deeply, head over heels in love. with edward cullen. just kidding. baptiste, of course.
i backpacked and saw the world. (or just asia. but still. it was more fun than i could have imagined)
turned 21. legal age. i can legally marry without my parents' consent, as the Family Code says. hardiharhar.
i had epiphanies and wake-up calls.
got into law school. (although that might be more bad than good. jury's still out)
joined the ateneo human rights center.
passed my first semester of law school.
it had its downsides.
lost karl to dengue (my immersion kid) and lola jenny. r.i.p.
and other personal stuff.
but no regrets.
i'll keep my resolutions simple.

1. be zen.
law school has the nasty habit of stressing me out, putting me on edge, teaching me arrogance.
i don't want to be a lawyer to push people down just to claw my way to the top.
i'd like a life that's calm, that helps, that has dignity and integrity.
Woman: But where does your money come from? Who gives it to you?
Little girl: The world.
--34th St Subway Station

2. enjoy the little things in life.
i like getting excited over fast food, cute kids, a good book, great conversation, that one particular song, a cool website, friends, laughter, a soft bed, me time. you know, the little things people overlook.
the unsung heroes of life.
they win over flash every time.
College girl: When we get back to the dorm, let's eat a bunch of stupid snacks.
College guy: Yeah, not smart snacks like Nurti-Grain bars, but stupid snacks like Pop-Tarts and Easy Mac.
College girl: Sooo stupid.
--110th & Lexington

3. stay in love.
not just with baptiste. with people. with family. with friends. with life.
no holds barred, crazy person, defend to the death kinda love.
it's the sedate people who have no fun.
Guy on cell: I love you...(defensively) Yes I do!
--Columbus Circle

4. cherish my friends and be nice to people in general.
there are friends i will keep for life that i've had for a while, some i've had for only a few years, others i've only just met. there are friends i'm waiting to meet.
but all have that feeling that you've known them forever.
they get you and your weird sense of humor.
that's how special they are.
so you keep em forever.
Bus driver: Good morning passengers! You may have heard recently that bus drivers have been put on a diet to make them nicer and more helpful. Now this doctor has told me, "No more bacon and eggs, but a nice bowl of oatmeal. Oh, and lots of water, fruit. And instead of stopping for some pork fried rice in the afternoon, with chicken wings, a nice piece of flounder, maybe with some butter and herbs." Now it's been 15 days, and I am so much more polite to passengers, saying "Good morning. How do you do?" I'm even nicer to mama when she gets home. Helpin' her with her carriage and bags; lowering the bus for people at the curb. So I just want to thank you and let you know to bear with me for another 15 days. Thank you and have a nice day.
--B61 Bus

5. me-time.
not enough to keep me sane.
more this year.
a sigh isn't just a sigh.
we inhale the world and breathe out meaning.
while we can.
-salman rushdie
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