Racialicious' Latoya Peterson: "I'll be telling people, 'Call your expat friends.' You know, the ones who are wondering if they need to re-up their Peace Corps enlistment or are considering going rogue on their student visas? See if they have extra space."
Huffington Post's Rachel Sklar: "If Palin wins that will mean two things: That McCain has won, and that Obama has lost. (Or a third thing: That the voting system is very, very broken.) Either way, none of that makes ANY sense for people in a thinking nation. So I will have no choice but to go back to Canada and ostentatiously hug a moose."
Bitch Ph.D.: "Oh dear god. If McCain/Palin win? I think I'll try to talk my boyfriend out of suicide and call my old job in Canada and see if they'll hire me back. Or no, wait, I'll cancel the offer we just made on a house and start looking into buying property in Mexico. I think my husband (who works for the military, after all—I mean, his job would be secure) can probably commute from Mexico. It's only about 4 hours."
Pushback's Kay Steiger: "I'll buckle down and prepare for a long war in Iraq, since the only pulling out Sarah Palin believes in is a form of contraception. Luckily her experience shooting moose means there'll be plenty of extra food around for all those unplanned pregnancies."
Salon's intrepid temporary Pennsylvania political correspondent Rebecca Traister: "I just spent several hours trying to come up with an answer for this question, and in flirting with the honest ("crying") to the darkly inappropriate ("securing a prophylactic abortion") to the generically wise-ass ("buying up science text books") I'm forced to confront something I didn't realize: that despite my nuclear-grade panic today, my sky-high anxiety as I traveled through Pennsylvania this weekend, and my general aversion to everyone else's jinx-y overconfidence, apparently, I cannot actually seriously conceive of an Obama loss. So I guess the answer is: I won't be coping. I'll be trying to find a good therapist."
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