I see this a lot in blogs... lez give it a tryyyyy:
10 things I'm grateful for:
1. the people in my life are pretty damn amazing. there are different nuts to crack but quite crackable! to translate abbi-speak to normal people-speak: the people i know are all quite different but i'm lucky enough that i'm their friend.
2. a great job that compensates me well. hahahaha. no, really. i love my job. i love oxfam. OXFAM!!!!!! take me into your permanent fold! biiiig shout-out to my obi-wan, teddy, who has quite kindly taken me in as his padawan. yes. that's how cool my job is, i am a padawan.
3. my room. wuuutttt. no, really. i will pimp my tiny cabana up it's hizzouse. i will find a mini-fridge and then i will never ever go into the main house except to see my grandmother.
4. art. i like my creative outlets. i like this blog, i like fashion, i like pretending i know how to scrapbook and adobe and gimp.
5. baking. my newfound therapy is fantastic. no, seriously! i will not reveal my sources for what i use to bake (it's all natural! i swear!)
6. baptiste is coming here. to everyone i know, he is an amazing guy. absolutely the best and i am a huge pain in the ass coz i haven't been appreciating it so much and i don't deserve him.
7. crap. am running out. hehehe. i'm grateful it's the holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need some happy happy in my life.
8. i am seriously grateful i am not yet a diabetic. i would die if i couldn't eat cookies and brownies.
9. oh yeah, how could i forget my iphone. the love of my life (blargh, kidding!). the grandkid of some other people's phones (yes, you. i'm talking to you).
i am grateful. i just down't always show it.
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