Saturday, May 29, 2010


these are seriously amazing. i want them in my future home!
vincenzo rizzo

boost your self-esteem

emma watson in teen vogue

breakfast... for champions???


casey o'connell

this is one heckuva BALLLLLGOOOOWWWNNNNN


backhand slap



you were there

state of the us nation

remember when obama's inauguration

felt like this?

and the 44th US president felt like the new era?
felt like things like race and youth and politics and some newfangled ideas that affected the rest of the world as well were finally coming together...
what's going on now? are americans happy?

Friday, May 28, 2010

dude, i respect his angerrrrrr. gar!

4 happy things today

1. i'm done feeling bad about not getting that scholarship. It hurt like a mofo after the first email declining me, smarted during the second email declining me, and by the third (really! is three times necessary?? i think not!), it was just plain funny. it takes longer for me to laugh and find the bright side in crummy things (side effect of getting older, i believe) but i get there.
2. lumbar support night.
3. having a boss who's okay with me working outside the office after a meeting.
4. getting so many things crossed off my work to-do list. i loooove feeling productive!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

the two guys I'd chuck my boy for:

Jake Gyllenhaal. Seriously, that smile?? that fashion sense?

zachary levi. coz he's so funny!
note that they're both TALL. and MUSCULAR (well mostly, for jake gyllenhaal). and with big noses.

that is a TON of love

how i met your motherrrr ended season 5! :(

there are some tv shows that i purposely make it special to watch for. after I download the show, I make sure I'm not doing or thinking about anything else, curl up in bed with yummy food (YES, there's food on my bed. get over it) and savor. no interruptions! how i met your mother is almost at the top of my list except for the fact that everytime i watch, the person i'm watching it with has already seen it so the whole grand production is spoiled.
in short. you suck.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010



annoyingly stylish! french women, harrumph

4 things to be happy about today

i'm really an optimistic person but lately, it does not show. haha. i think i enjoy ranting too much. it is cathartic.

hemmingways, i've been told to write down 4 things to be happy about so I don't come across as completely grumpy (speak for yourself, crankypants).


i am happy that:
1. the regional logistics team complimented my archive. i thrive on work compliments. hahaha
2. my work is now plentiful and thought-provoking. and this makes me weirdly happy. (although I think if it gets too much, then I won't get work compliments :( and that will make me sad).
.... hmmm, this is harder than i thought.
3. i had a super good sandwich from starbucks. turkey and chicken on sundried tuscan focaccia.
4. i will have indian food tonight.

so this will be an everyday thing. 5 minute break when my mind is buzzing with work. and i have a strong feeling my happiness will revolve very much on food.

... and i just realized i'm not as optimistic as i used to be because i could think of a rebuttal for all the things on my list! and it took me way too long to think of 4. :( this month sucks. oh shit, shouldn't have wrote that. it negates this blog.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

i'm ridiculously sleepy.

my sister's work schedule and trying to fit into it is definitely wrong.

europe! dream vacation always

postsecret of the week