Wednesday, September 29, 2010

my kids will have impeccable style. baby boys with mohawks ftw!

she's very cool



H&M's coming to the philippines...
just when Lanvin is doing a line!
i. die.

lemonade fashion stand


good note to myself! i've lost my optimism...

i'm missing the wonders of summer!

love these vintage swimsuits!

heather gray manicures... interesting

i swear, everytime i get a manicure or pedicure, i make the record for chipping shorter and shorter. my pedicure is next to nonexistent at the moment... and i only got it yesterday. :(

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sent From My Iphone

i honestly find steve jobs' crankiness pretty funny and real.

it's my 1000th blog post

.... and i want a tattoo... connect the dots!